8.3.10 (2024-08-14)

Overview of merged pull requests

BUGFIX: DateTime translation for validator

This will close #3323

  • Packages: Flow

BUGFIX: Streamline exit(1) to web response with HTTP status code 500

With this critical error messages like the following now sends the HTTP status code 500 instead 200 in order to state something is not okay on the server side:

Flow could not create the directory "/var/www/html/Data/Persistent". Please check the file permissions manually or run "sudo ./flow flow:core:setfilepermissions" to fix the problem. (Error #1347526553)

Resolved: #3364

  • Packages: Flow

BUGFIX: Avoid insecure composer/composer versions

This adjusts the dependency to ~2.2.24 || ^2.7.7 to avoid versions vulnerable to multiple command injections via malicious branch names.

More details in:

  • Packages: Flow

BUGFIX: First exception cannot be written in subcontext when booting

Upgrade instructions

  • Packages: Flow

BUGFIX: ReflectionService must always initialize

The ReflectionService lazy loads reflection data from cache, but every method making use of the data needs to call initialize. This change adds missing calls that seem to never happen first in regular flow applications. Still better to prevent broken reflection in case we optimize other uses in the future.

  • Packages: Flow

TASK: Update “egulias/email-validator” version constraints

Updates the version constraints of “egulias/email-validator” and allows to use 4.x versions. Also removes the support of the 2.x versions

  • Packages: Flow

Detailed log