Flow Validator Reference

This reference was automatically generated from code on 2025-01-15


A validator which will not validate Aggregates that are lazy loaded and uninitialized. Validation over Aggregate Boundaries can hence be forced by making the relation to other Aggregate Roots eager loaded.

Note that this validator is not part of the public API and you should not use it manually.

Checks if the given value is valid according to the validator, and returns the Error Messages object which occurred. Will skip validation if value is an uninitialized lazy loading proxy.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • skipUnInitializedProxies (boolean, optional): Whether proxies not yet initialized should be skipped during validation


Validator for alphanumeric strings.

The given $value is valid if it is an alphanumeric string, which is defined as [[:alnum:]].


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


Validator for a specific boolean value.

Checks if the given value is a specific boolean value.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • expectedValue (boolean, optional): The expected boolean value


A generic collection validator.

Checks for a collection and if needed validates the items in the collection. This is done with the specified element validator or a validator based on the given element type and validation group.

Either elementValidator or elementType must be given, otherwise validation will be skipped.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • elementValidator (string, optional): The validator type to use for the collection elements

  • elementValidatorOptions (array, optional): The validator options to use for the collection elements

  • elementType (string, optional): The type of the elements in the collection

  • validationGroups (string, optional): The validation groups to link to


Validator for countable things

The given value is valid if it is an array or Countable that contains the specified amount of elements.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • minimum (integer, optional): The minimum count to accept

  • maximum (integer, optional): The maximum count to accept


Validator for checking Date and Time boundaries

Adds errors if the given DateTime does not match the set boundaries.

latestDate and earliestDate may be each <time>, <start>/<duration> or <duration>/<end>, where <duration> is an ISO 8601 duration and <start> or <end> or <time> may be ‘now’ or a PHP supported format. (1)

In general, you are able to provide a timestamp or a timestamp with additional calculation. Calculations are done as described in ISO 8601 (2), with an introducing “P”. P7MT2H30M for example mean a period of 7 months, 2 hours and 30 minutes (P introduces a period at all, while a following T introduces the time-section of a period. This is not at least in order not to confuse months and minutes, both represented as M). A period is separated from the timestamp with a forward slash “/”. If the period follows the timestamp, that period is added to the timestamp; if the period precedes the timestamp, it’s subtracted. The timestamp can be one of PHP’s supported date formats (1), so also “now” is supported.

Use cases:

If you offer something that has to be manufactured and you ask for a delivery date, you might assure that this date is at least two weeks in advance; this could be done with the expression “now/P2W”. If you have a library of ancient goods and want to track a production date that is at least 5 years ago, you can express it with “P5Y/now”.


If you want to test if a given date is at least five minutes ahead, use

earliestDate: now/PT5M

If you want to test if a given date was at least 10 days ago, use

latestDate: P10D/now

If you want to test if a given date is between two fix boundaries, just combine the latestDate and earliestDate-options:

earliestDate: 2007-03-01T13:00:00Z latestDate: 2007-03-30T13:00:00Z


http://de.php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.compound.php (1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations (2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_intervals (3)


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • latestDate (string, optional): The latest date to accept

  • earliestDate (string, optional): The earliest date to accept


Validator for DateTime objects.

Checks if the given value is a valid DateTime object.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • locale (string|Locale, optional): The locale to use for date parsing

  • strictMode (boolean, optional): Use strict mode for date parsing

  • formatLength (string, optional): The format length, see DatesReader::FORMAT_LENGTH_*

  • formatType (string, optional): The format type, see DatesReader::FORMAT_TYPE_*


Validator for email addresses

Checks if the given value is a valid email address.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • strict (bool, optional): Whether to fail validation on RFC warnings

  • checkDns (bool, optional): Whether to use DNS checks


The given $value is has one of the allowed file extensions Note: a value of NULL or empty string (‘’) are considered valid

The given $value is valid media type matches one of the allowedTypes and none of the disallowedTypes

Note: a value of NULL or empty string (‘’) is considered valid and was handled already


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • allowedExtensions (array): Array of allowed file extensions


Validator for file sizes Note: a value of NULL or empty string (‘’) are considered valid

The given $value is valid media type matches one of the allowedTypes and none of the disallowedTypes

Note: a value of NULL or empty string (‘’) is considered valid and was handled already


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • minimum (integer): Minimum allowed filesize in bytes

  • maximum (integer): Maximum allowed filesize in bytes


Validator for floats.

The given value is valid if it is of type float or a string matching the regular expression [0-9.e+-]


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


A generic object validator which allows for specifying property validators.

Checks if the given value is valid according to the property validators.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • skipUnInitializedProxies (boolean, optional): Whether proxies not yet initialized should be skipped during validation


Validator for integers.

Checks if the given value is a valid integer.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


A validator for labels.

Labels usually allow all kinds of letters, numbers, punctuation marks and the space character. What you don’t want in labels though are tabs, new line characters or HTML tags. This validator is for such uses.

The given value is valid if it matches the regular expression specified in PATTERN_VALIDCHARACTERS.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


A validator for locale identifiers.

This validator validates a string based on the expressions of the Flow I18n implementation.

Is valid if the given value is a valid “locale identifier”.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


The given $value is matches the defined media types Note: a value of NULL or empty string (‘’) are considered valid

The given $value is valid media type matches one of the allowedTypes and none of the disallowedTypes

Note: a value of NULL or empty string (‘’) is considered valid and was handled already


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • allowedTypes (array): Array of allowed media ranges

  • disallowedTypes (array): Array of disallowed media ranges


Validator for not empty values.

Checks if the given value is not empty (NULL, empty string, empty array or empty object that implements the Countable interface).


Validator for general numbers

The given value is valid if it is a number in the specified range.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • minimum (integer, optional): The minimum value to accept

  • maximum (integer, optional): The maximum value to accept


Validator for general numbers.

Checks if the given value is a valid number.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • locale (string|Locale, optional): The locale to use for number parsing

  • strictMode (boolean, optional): Use strict mode for number parsing

  • formatLength (string, optional): The format length, see NumbersReader::FORMAT_LENGTH_*

  • formatType (string, optional): The format type, see NumbersReader::FORMAT_TYPE_*


A validator which accepts any input.

This validator is always valid.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


Validator based on regular expressions.

Checks if the given value matches the specified regular expression.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • regularExpression (string): The regular expression to use for validation, used as given


Validator for string length.

Checks if the given value is a valid string (or can be cast to a string if an object is given) and its length is between minimum and maximum specified in the validation options.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • minimum (integer, optional): Minimum length for a valid string

  • maximum (integer, optional): Maximum length for a valid string

  • ignoreHtml (boolean, optional): If true, HTML tags will be stripped before counting the characters


Validator for strings.

Checks if the given value is a string.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


Validator for “plain” text.

Checks if the given value is a valid text (contains no XML tags).

Be aware that the value of this check entirely depends on the output context. The validated text is not expected to be secure in every circumstance, if you want to be sure of that, use a customized regular expression or filter on output.

See http://php.net/filter_var for details.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


Validator for uniqueness of entities.

Checks if the given value is a unique entity depending on it’s identity properties or custom configured identity properties.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid


  • identityProperties (array, optional): List of custom identity properties.


Validator for Universally Unique Identifiers.

Checks if the given value is a syntactically valid UUID.


A value of NULL or an empty string (‘’) is considered valid