7.0.18 (2022-11-03)

Overview of merged pull requests

BUGFIX: Allow updating of entities related to value objects after persisting

Upgrade instructions

Review instructions

TASK: Render API docs (again)

This renders API docs (again), using Doctum via GH Actions.

The results are pushed to https://neos.github.io for consumption.

Review instructions

A test run result can be seen at https://neos.github.io/flow/8.2/index.html already. The workflow run is visible at https://github.com/kdambekalns/flow-development-collection/actions/runs/3233003582/jobs/5294292366

See also kdambekalns/apigenerator.org#1


  • [x] Links to GitHub are wrong (workspace must go and branch is wrong)

  • [ ] Maybe add a theme to make it look more Neos-y?

  • Packages: github

BUGFIX: Make PdoBackend.rewind() on PostgreSQL work

TASK: precompose hash to prevent timing attacks

Precomposing a hash on cache warmup will make sure that the used hash to prevent timing attack always reflects the current configuration.

Previously there was a bcrypt password with the cost of 16 hard coded in but the configuration was set to 14 as default.

Fixes neos/neos-development-collection#3908 reported by @Benjamin-K

  • Packages: Flow

TASK: Adjust Neos.DocTools settings

See https://github.com/neos/doctools/pull/4

  • Packages: Flow

Detailed log