Property Mapping

The Property Mappers task is to convert simple types, like arrays, strings, numbers, to objects. This is most prominently needed in the MVC framework: When a request arrives, it contains all its data as simple types, that is strings, and arrays.

We want to help the developer thinking about objects, that’s why we try to transparently convert the incoming data to its correct object representation. This is the objective of the Property Mapper.

At first, we show some examples on how the property mapper can be used, and then the internal structure is explained.

The main API of the PropertyMapper is very simple: It just consists of one method convert($source, $targetType), which receives input data as the first argument, and the target type as second argument. This method returns the built object of type $targetType.

Example Usage

The most simple usage is to convert simple types to different simple types, i.e. converting a numeric string to a float number:

// $propertyMapper is of class Neos\Flow\Property\PropertyMapper
$result = $propertyMapper->convert('12.5', 'float');
// $result == (float)12.5

This is of course a really conceived example, as the same result could be achieved by just casting the numeric string to a floating point number.

Our next example goes a bit further and shows how we can use the Property Mapper to convert an array of data into a domain model:

 * @Flow\Entity
class Neos\MyPackage\Domain\Model\Person {
         * @var string
        protected $name;

         * @var \DateTime
        protected $birthDate;

         * @var Neos\MyPackage\Domain\Model\Person
        protected $mother;
        // ... furthermore contains getters and setters for the above properties.

$inputArray = array(
        'name' => 'John Fisher',
        'birthDate' => '1990-11-14T15:32:12+00:00'
$person = $propertyMapper->convert($inputArray, \Neos\MyPackage\Domain\Model\Person::class);

// $person is a newly created object of type Neos\MyPackage\Domain\Model\Person
// $person->name == 'John Fisher'
// $person->birthDate is a DateTime object with the correct date set.

We’ll first use a simple input array:

$input = array(
  'name' => 'John Fisher',
  'birthDate' => '1990-11-14T15:32:12+00:00'

After calling $propertyMapper->convert($input, \Neos\MyPackage\Domain\Model\Person::class), we receive an ew object of type Person which has $name set to John Fisher, and $birthDate set to a DateTime object of the specified date. You might now wonder how the PropertyMapper knows how to convert DateTime objects and Person objects? The answer is: It does not know that. However, the PropertyMapper calls specialized Type Converters which take care of the actual conversion.

In our example, three type converters are called:

  • First, to convert ‘John Fisher’ to a string (required by the annotation in the domain model), a StringConverter is called. This converter simply passes through the input string, without modification.

  • Then, a DateTimeConverter is called, whose responsibility is to convert the input string into a valid DateTime object.

  • At the end, the Person object still needs to be built. For that, the PersistentObjectConverter is responsible. It creates a fresh Person object, and sets the $name and $birthDate properties which were already built using the type converters above.

This example should illustrate that property mapping is a recursive process, and the PropertyMappers task is exactly to orchestrate the different TypeConverters needed to build a big, compound object.

The PersistentObjectConverter has some more features, as it supports fetching objects from the persistence layer if an identity for the object is given. Both the following inputs will result in the corresponding object to be fetched from the persistence layer:

$input = '14d20100-9d70-11e0-aa82-0800200c9a66';
// or:
$input = array(
  '__identity' => '14d20100-9d70-11e0-aa82-0800200c9a66'

$person = $propertyMapper->convert($input, 'MyCompany\MyPackage\Domain\Model\Person');
// The $person object with UUID 14d20100-9d70-11e0-aa82-0800200c9a66 is fetched from the persistence layer

In case some more properties are specified in the array (besides __identity), the submitted properties are modified on the fetched object. These modifications are not automatically saved to the database at the end of the request, you need to pass such an instance to update on the corresponding repository to persist the changes.

So, let’s walk through a more complete input example:

$input = array(
  '__identity' => '14d20100-9d70-11e0-aa82-0800200c9a66',
  'name' => 'John Doe',
  'mother' => 'efd3b461-6f24-499d-97bc-309dfbe01f05'

In this case, the following steps happen:

  • The Person object with identity 14d20100-9d70-11e0-aa82-0800200c9a66 is fetched from persistence.

  • The $name of the fetched $person object is updated to John Doe

  • As the $mother property is also of type Person, the PersistentObjectConverter is invoked recursively. It fetches the Person object with identifier efd3b461-6f24-499d-97bc-309dfbe01f05, which is then set as the $mother property of the original person.

Here, you see that we can also set associations using the Property Mapper.

Configuring the Conversion Process

It is possible to configure the conversion process by specifying a PropertyMappingConfiguration as third parameter to PropertyMapper::convert(). If no PropertyMappingConfiguration is specified, the PropertyMappingConfigurationBuilder automatically creates a default PropertyMappingConfiguration.

In most cases, you should use the PropertyMappingConfigurationBuilder to create a new PropertyMappingConfiguration, so that you get a convenient default configuration:

        // Here $propertyMappingConfigurationBuilder is an instance of
        // \Neos\Flow\Property\PropertyMappingConfigurationBuilder
$propertyMappingConfiguration = $propertyMappingConfigurationBuilder->build();

        // modify $propertyMappingConfiguration here

        // pass the configuration to convert()
$propertyMapper->convert($source, $targetType, $propertyMappingConfiguration);

The following configuration options exist:

  • setMapping($sourcePropertyName, $targetPropertyName) can be used to rename properties.

    Example: If the input array contains a property lastName, but the accordant property in the model is called $givenName, the following configuration performs the renaming:

    $propertyMappingConfiguration->setMapping('lastName', 'givenName');
  • setTypeConverter($typeConverter) can be used to directly set a type converter which should be used. This disables the automatic resolving of type converters.

  • setTypeConverterOption($typeConverterClassName, $optionKey, $optionValue) can be used to set type converter specific options.

    Example: The DateTimeConverter supports a configuration option for the expected date format:

  • setTypeConverterOptions($typeConverterClassName, array $options) can be used to set multiple configuration options for the given TypeConverter. This overrides all previously set configuration options for the TypeConverter.

  • allowProperties($propertyName1, $propertyName2, ...) specifies the allowed property names which should be converted on the current level.

  • allowAllProperties() allows all properties on the current level.

  • allowAllPropertiesExcept($propertyName1, $propertyName2) effectively inverts the behavior: all properties on the current level are allowed, except the ones specified as arguments to this method.

All the configuration options work only for the current level, i.e. all of the above converter options would only work for the top level type converter. However, it is also possible to specify configuration options for lower levels, using forProperty($propertyPath). This is best shown with the example from the previous section.

The following configuration sets a mapping on the top level, and furthermore configures the DateTime converter for the birthDate property:

$propertyMappingConfiguration->setMapping('fullName', 'name');

forProperty() also supports more than one nesting level using the dot notation, so writing something like forProperty('mother.birthDate') is possible. For multi-valued property types (Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection or array) the property mapper will use indexes as property names. To match the property mapping configuration for any index, the path syntax supports an asterisk as a placeholder:


This also allows to easily configure TypeConverter options, like for the DateTimeConverter, for subproperties on large collections:


Property Mapping Configuration in the MVC stack

The most common use-case where you will want to adjust the Property Mapping Configuration is inside the MVC stack, where incoming arguments are converted to objects.

If you use Fluid forms, normally no adjustments are needed. However, when programming a web service or an ajax endpoint, you might need to set the PropertyMappingConfiguration manually. You can access them using the \Neos\Flow\Mvc\Controller\Argument object – and this configuration takes place inside the corresponding initialize*Action of the controller, as in the following example:

protected function initializeUpdateAction() {
  $commentConfiguration = $this->arguments['comment']->getPropertyMappingConfiguration();

 * @param \My\Package\Domain\Model\Comment $comment
public function updateAction(\My\Package\Domain\Model\Comment $comment) {
  // use $comment object here


Maintain IDE’s awareness of the Argument variable type

Most IDEs will lose information about the variable’s type when it comes to array accessing like in the above example $this->arguments['comment']->…. In order to keep track of the variables’ types, you can synonymously use

protected function initializeUpdateAction() {
  $commentConfiguration = $this->arguments->getArgument('comment')->getPropertyMappingConfiguration();

Since the getArgument() method is explicitly annotated, common IDEs will recognize the type and there is no break in the type hinting chain.

Mapping classes dynamically

Technically your controller actions can accept interfaces (or abstract classes) as arguments. In order to be able to map those and correctly validate the input the implementing class needs to be specified though. Since Flow 7.2 it is possible to enable a “dynamic validation” mode by setting the controller property $enableDynamicTypeValidation = true;. With this enabled, you can do either of this, to tell Flow the implementation class for the controller argument at runtime:

protected $enableDynamicTypeValidation = true;

 * @param \My\Package\Domain\MyInterface $target
public function myDynamicAction(MyInterface $target)

protected function initializeMyDynamicAction()
  $propertyMappingConfiguration = $this->arguments['target']->getPropertyMappingConfiguration();
  // Do this, but decide on the actual class depending on some runtime decision
  $propertyMappingConfiguration->setTypeConverterOption(ObjectConverter::class, ObjectConverter::CONFIGURATION_TARGET_TYPE, \My\Package\Domain\MyImplementation::class);
  // OR submit '_type' => '\My\Package\Domain\MyImplementation' to make the decision client-side with
  $propertyMappingConfiguration->setTypeConverterOption(ObjectConverter::class, ObjectConverter::CONFIGURATION_OVERRIDE_TARGET_TYPE_ALLOWED, true);

All validation annotations of your MyImplementation class will then be used to validate the input.

Mapping whole request body

Sometimes when building an API, you might also want to map the whole request body into a single object, instead of having to only map a single named sub-object. This is often necessary when you don’t control the sending side, because you can’t expect it to wrap the important request information like this in case of a JSON API:

  "comment": {
    "author": "john doe",
    "text": "Hello World!"

Instead you probably receive only the inner object consisting of “author” and “text”. For those cases, you can tell Flow that it should map the whole request body into a single action argument with the @Flow\MapRequestBody("$comment") annotation on the controller’s action method.

 * @param \My\Package\Domain\Model\Comment $comment
 * @Flow\MapRequestBody("$comment")
public function createAction(\My\Package\Domain\Model\Comment $comment) {
  // use $comment object here

Note though, that this will also have the consequence that the comment can no longer be submitted via GET parameters in this action, because the mapping process will directly access the parsed request body and would throw an exception if the body is empty.


Internally, the annotation will only set an attribute on the argument object for the given property name. Hence you can achieve the same without an annotation, by calling $this->arguments['comment']->setMapRequestBody(true) inside the initializeCreateAction() method.

Mapping Value Objects

Value objects are immutable classes that represent one or more values.

Starting with version 8, Flow can map simple types to the corresponding Value Object if they follow some basic rules:

  • They have a public static method named from<Type> that expects exactly one parameter of the given simple type and returns an instance of the class itself

  • They have a private default constructor (this is not required, but encouraged)

Supported simple types and their corresponding named constructor signature:

  • array => public static function fromArray(array $array): self

  • boolean => public static function fromBool(bool $value): self (or public static function fromBoolean(bool $value): self)

  • double/float => public static function fromFloat(double $value): self

  • integer => public static function fromInt(int $value): self (or public static function fromInteger(int $value): self)

  • string => public static function fromString(string $value): self

Example Value Object representing an email address:

 * @Flow\Proxy(false)
final class EmailAddress
    private function __construct(
        public readonly string $value,
    ) {
        if (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"%s" is not a valid email address', $this->value));

    public static function fromString(string $value): self
        return new self($value);


It’s encouraged to add a @Flow\Proxy(false) annotation to Value Objects because private constructors can’t be used and new self() can’t be used otherwise.

With the example above, a corresponding Command- or ActionController can work with the EmailAddress Value Object directly:

public function someCommand(EmailAddress $email): void
    // $email->value is a valid email address at this point!

Security Considerations

The property mapping process can be security-relevant, as a small example should show: Suppose there is a REST API where a person can create a new account, and assign a role to this account (from a pre-defined list). This role controls the access permissions the user has. The data which is sent to the server might look like this:

  'username' => 'mynewuser',
  'role' => '5bc42c89-a418-457f-8095-062ace6d22fd'

Here, the username field contains the name of the user, and the role field points to the role the user has selected. Now, an attacker could modify the data, and submit the following:

  'username' => 'mynewuser',
  'role' => array(
    'name' => 'superuser',
    'admin' => 1

As the property mapper works recursively, it would create a new Role object with the admin flag set to true, which might compromise the security in the system.

That’s why two parts need to be configured for enabling the recursive behavior: First, you need to specify the allowed properties using one of the allowProperties(), allowAllProperties() or allowAllPropertiesExcept() methods.

Second, you need to configure the the PersistentObjectConverter using the two options CONFIGURATION_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED and CONFIGURATION_CREATION_ALLOWED. They must be used to explicitly activate the modification or creation of objects. By default, the PersistentObjectConverter does only fetch objects from the persistence, but does not create new ones or modifies existing ones.


The only exception to this rule are Value Objects, which may always be created newly by default, as this makes sense as of their nature. If you have a use case where the user may not create new Value Objects, for example because he may only choose from a fixed list, you can however explicitly disallow creation by setting the appropriate property’s CONFIGURATION_CREATION_ALLOWED option to false.

Default Configuration

If the Property Mapper is called without any PropertyMappingConfiguration, the PropertyMappingConfigurationBuilder supplies a default configuration.

It allows all changes for the top-level object, but does not allow anything for nested objects.


In the MVC stack, the default PropertyMappingConfiguration is much more restrictive, not allowing any changes to any objects. See the next section for an in-depth explanation.

The Common Case: Fluid Forms

The Property Mapper is used to convert incoming values into objects inside the MVC stack.

Most commonly, these incoming values are created using HTML form elements inside Fluid. That is why we want to make sure that only fields which are part of the form are accepted for type conversion, and it should neither be possible to create new objects nor to modify existing ones if that was not intended.

Because of that, the PropertyMappingConfiguration inside the MVC stack is configured as restrictive as possible, not allowing any modifications of any objects at all.

Furthermore, Fluid forms render an additional hidden form field containing a secure list of all properties being transmitted; and this list is used to build up the correct PropertyMappingConfiguration.

As a result, it is not possible to manipulate the request on the client side, but as long as Fluid forms are used, no extra work has to be done by the developer.

Reference of TypeConverters


This should be automatically generated from the source and will be added to the appendix if available.

The Inner Workings of the Property Mapper

The Property Mapper applies the following steps to convert a simple type to an object. Some of the steps will be described in detail afterwards.

  1. Figure out which type converter to use for the given source - target pair.

  2. Ask this type converter to return the child properties of the source data (if it has any), by calling getSourceChildPropertiesToBeConverted() on the type converter.

  3. For each child property, do the following:

    1. Ask the type converter about the data type of the child property, by calling getTypeOfChildProperty() on the type converter.

    2. Recursively invoke the PropertyMapper to build the child object from the input data.

  4. Now, call the type converter again (method convertFrom()), passing all (already built) child objects along. The result of this call is returned as the final result of the property mapping process.

On first sight, the steps might seem complex and difficult, but they account for a great deal of flexibility of the property mapper. Automatic resolving of type converters

Automatic Resolving of Type Converters

All type converters which implement Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverterInterface are automatically found in the resolving process. There are four API methods in each TypeConverter which influence the resolving process:


Returns an array of simple types which are understood as source type by this type converter.


The target type this type converter can convert into. Can be either a simple type, or a class name.


If two type converters have the same source and target type, precedence is given to the one with higher priority. All standard TypeConverters have a priority lower than 100. A priority of -1 disables automatic resolution for the given TypeConverter!

canConvertFrom($source, $targetType)

Is called as last check, when source and target types fit together. Here, the TypeConverter can implement runtime constraints to decide whether it can do the conversion.

When a type converter has to be found, the following algorithm is applied:

  1. If typeConverter is set in the PropertyMappingConfiguration, this is directly used.

  2. The inheritance hierarchy of the target type is traversed in reverse order (from most specific to generic) until a TypeConverter is found. If two type converters work on the same class, the one with highest positive priority is used.

  3. If no type converter could be found for the direct inheritance hierarchy, it is checked if there is a TypeConverter for one of the interfaces the target class implements. As it is not possible in PHP to order interfaces in any meaningful way, the TypeConverter with the highest priority is used (throughout all interfaces).

  4. If no type converter is found in the interfaces, it is checked if there is an applicable type converter for the target type object.

If a type converter is found according to the above algorithm, canConvertFrom is called on the type converter, so he can perform additional runtime checks. In case the TypeConverter returns false, the search is continued at the position where it left off in the above algorithm.

For simple target types, the steps 2 and 3 are omitted.

Writing Your Own TypeConverters

Often, it is enough to subclass Neos\Flow\Property\TypeConverter\AbstractTypeConverter instead of implementing TypeConverterInterface.

Besides, good starting points for own type converters are the DateTimeConverter or the IntegerConverter. If you write your own type converter, you should set it to a priority greater than 100, to make sure it is used before the standard converters by Flow.

TypeConverters should not contain any internal state, as they are re-used by the property mapper, even recursively during the same run.

Of further importance is the exception and error semantics, so there are a few possibilities what can be returned in convertFrom():

  • For fatal errors which hint at some wrong configuration of the developer, throw an exception. This will show a stack trace in development context. Also for detected security breaches, exceptions should be thrown.

  • If at run-time the type converter does not wish to participate in the results, null should be returned. For example, if a file upload is expected, but there was no file uploaded, returning null would be the appropriate way to handling this.

  • If the error is recoverable, and the user should re-submit his data, return a Neos\Error\Messages\Error object (or a subclass thereof), containing information about the error. In this case, the property is not mapped at all (null is returned, like above).

    If the Property Mapping occurs in the context of the MVC stack (as it will be the case in most cases), the error is detected and a forward is done to the last shown form. The end-user experiences the same flow as when MVC validation errors happen.

    This is the correct response for example if the file upload could not be processed because of wrong checksums, or because the disk on the server is full.


Inside a type converter it is not allowed to use an (injected) instance of Neos\Flow\Property\PropertyMapper because it can lead to an infinite recursive invocation.


With version 4.0 TypeConverters with a negative priority will be skipped by the PropertyMapper by default. The PropertyMappingConfiguration can be used to explicitly use such converter anyways.