Signals and Slots

The concept of signals and slots has been introduced by the Qt toolkit and allows for easy implementation of the Observer pattern in software.

A signal, which contains event information as it makes sense in the case at hand, can be emitted (sent) by any part of the code and is received by one or more slots, which can be any function in Flow. Almost no registration, deregistration or invocation code need be written, because Flow automatically generates the needed infrastructure using AOP.

Defining and Using Signals

To define a signal, simply create a method stub which starts with emit and annotate it with a Signal annotation:

Example: Definition of a signal in PHP

 * @param Comment $comment
 * @return void
 * @Flow\Signal
protected function emitCommentCreated(Comment $comment) {}

The method signature can be freely defined to fit the needs of the event that is to be signalled. Whatever parameters are defined will be handed over to any slots listening to that signal.


The Signal annotation is picked up by the AOP framework and the method is filled with implementation code as needed.

To emit a signal in your code, simply call the signal method whenever it makes sense, like in this example:

Example: Emitting a Signal

public function createAction(Comment $newComment): void

The signal will be dispatched to all slots listening to it.

Defining Slots

You can use any method as a slot, or write one specifically for use as a slot.

Using arbitrary methods as slots

Any method of any class can be used as a slot, even if never written specifically for being a slot. The only requirement is a matching signature between signal and slot, so that the parameters passed to the signal can be handed over to the slot without problems. The following shows a slot, as you can see it differs in no way from any non-slot method.

Example: A method that can be used as a slot

public function sendNewCommentNotification(Comment $comment): void
    $mail = new \Neos\SwiftMailer\Message();
    $mail->setFrom(array(' ' => 'John Doe'))
        ->setTo(array(' ' => 'Karsten Dambekalns'))
        ->setSubject('New comment')

Such a method must be connected to a signal using the connect() method, and depending on the wiring there might be an extra parameter being given to the slot that contains signal information (see below.)

Writing explicit slot methods

The other way of writing a slot is to define a method that accepts a single argument of type Neos\Flow\SignalSlot\SignalInformation.

Example: A dedicated slot method

public function dedicatedSendNewCommentNotificationSlot(SignalInformation $signal): void
    $comment = $signal->getSignalArgument('comment');
    if ($comment !== null) {
        $mail = new \Neos\SwiftMailer\Message();
        $mail->setFrom(array(' ' => 'John Doe'))
            ->setTo(array(' ' => 'Karsten Dambekalns'))
            ->setSubject('New comment')

Such a method must be connected to a signal using the wire() method (see below.)

Wiring Signals and Slots Together

Which slot is actually listening for which signal is configured (“wired”) in the bootstrap code of a package. Any package can of course freely wire its own signals to its own slots, but also wiring any other signal to any other slot is possible. You should be a little careful when wiring your own or even other package’s signals to slots in other packages, as the results could be non-obvious to someone using your package.

When Flow initializes, it runs the boot() method in a package’s Package class. This is the place to wire signals to slots as needed for your package. This can be done using the connect() and wire() methods, depending on the slot you want to use:

  • connect() can be used with arbitrary methods as slots

  • wire() is expecting a dedicated slot accepting a SignalInformation parameter

 * Boot the package. We connect a signal to a slot here.
 * @param \Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap $bootstrap The current bootstrap
 * @return void
public function boot(\Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap $bootstrap) {
  $dispatcher = $bootstrap->getSignalSlotDispatcher();
    \Some\Package\Controller\CommentController::class, 'commentCreated',
    \Some\Package\Service\Notification::class, 'sendNewCommentNotification'

The first pair of parameters given to connect() and wire() identifies the signal, the second pair of parameters identifies the slot.

The signal is identified by the class name and the signal name, which is the method name without emit. In the above example, the method which triggers the commentCreated signal is called emitCommentCreated().

The slot is identified by the class name and method name which should be called. If the method name starts with :: the slot will be called statically.


  • Use the ::class constant to specify the class name

  • The signal name is the method name without emit

When using connect(), there is one more parameter available: $passSignalInformation. It controls whether or not the signal information should be passed to the slot as the last parameter (as a string: class name and method name of the signal emitter, separated by ::.) $passSignalInformation is true by default.


Slots with a variable number of arguments may use the signal information in unexpected ways. If in doubt, set $passSignalInformation to false.

Example: Wiring signals and slots together

 * Boot the package. We wire some signals to slots here.
public function boot(\Neos\Flow\Core\Bootstrap $bootstrap): void
    $dispatcher = $bootstrap->getSignalSlotDispatcher();

        \Some\Package\Controller\CommentController::class, 'commentCreated',
        \Some\Package\Service\Notification::class, 'sendNewCommentNotification'

        \Some\Package\Controller\CommentController::class, 'commentCreated',
        \Some\Package\Service\Notification::class, 'dedicatedSendNewCommentNotificationSlot'

An alternative way of specifying the slot is to pass an object instance instead of a class name to connect() or wire(). This can also be used to pass a Closure instance to react to signals, in this case the slot method name can be omitted:

$dispatcher->connect(\Acme\Com\Service::class, 'thingsChanged', function ($changedThings) {
    // do something here

    function (SignalInformation $signalInformation) {
        // do something here